Monday, 14 May 2012


In heartbreaking waltz
To this clumsy massacre
I see him hewed to a human husk
I want to take away the haze of his enfeebling pain
To seal over his hurt
And in a submarine send it
To the ocean bed he’ll never reach

I want to catch his cascade of tears in a goblet of gold
And one day baptise him
With a beauty he is now blind to 
I want to howl with him
Lay with him
Stay with him
Until all of this abates

I want to free him from this sentence
Of self-imposed exile
A man drawn and quartered
Contorted and cornered
Maculated by a tide of fate & fury
I yearn for the day he is liberated
From the turgid malaise

I want to show him a still-frame
Of himself in coming years
Taken at a time when he smiles unprompted
Feels deeply
Is giddily in love
Whole again
Transfixed by the ebullience of life

I want to shine a light into his heart
Massage it gently until it beats the will to live
Rather than a dull automation
I long to spare him this demon
For a quickening agent
To absolve his interminable affliction
By fuck he is broken

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